Participant First & Last Name
First Name
Last Name
What are your pronouns?
When is your birthday?
What's your email?
What's your phone number?
What is your race/ethnicity?
Asian/Pacific Islander
Native American/Indigenous
Middle Eastern/Arab
If you answered other, please expand.
What is your gender?
If you answered other, please expand.
City/state/country of birth?
What neighborhood, city and state do you reside in?
Have you or your family ever experienced any of the following? Check all that apply.
Gender based violence
Racial discrimination
Foster care
Undocumented or citizenship status in transition
Workplace discrimination
None of the above
Choose not to answer
If you answered other, please expand.
Have you ever experienced any of the following? Check all that apply.
A sensory impairment (vision or hearing)
A mobility impairment
A learning disability (e.g. ADHD, dyslexia)
A mental health disorder
I have an impairment, disorder, or disability that I chose not to specify
None of the above
Other (please specify below)
If you answered other, please expand.
According to Covered California income guidelines and salary restrictions, if an individual makes less than $47,520 per year or if a family of four earns wages less than $97,200 per year, then they qualify for government assistance based on their income. Is your family low-income?
Choose not to answer
If selected, I commit to attend all sessions that PA Certification Training Program convenes at the times and dates described in this application form:
Dates for the program may be found on the description of the application form.
Why are you interested in partaking in the PA Certification Program?
Maximum 250 words
What are your short term career goals as it pertains to the film and television industry:
Maximum 250 words
What are your long term career goals as it pertains to the film and television industry:
Maximum 250 words
How do you feel the program will support your goals?
Maximum 250 words
What opportunities would earning this certification create for you in reaching your short term career goals?
Maximum 250 words
How you do describe your experience in the film, TV, news or entertainment industry?
Novice/Beginner - I have not made a film or written a script.
Student - I have written a script and/or made a film that’s been publicly exhibited.
Entry-level - I have some experience on professional film sets as a PA or assistant.
Freelancer - I have a specific trade that I live off of (production, DP, sound) but I haven’t written a script.
Mid-career Writer/director - I have written and directed films that have been broadcast and/or won awards.
Industry professional who has 5+ years experience.
If you selected other, please expand
Do you have experience working in any areas of production for Film and Television?
If yes, what is your experience?
I would say I have excellent time management skills
What special skills (leadership, perspective, storytelling, technical or other) will you bring to the series?
Maximum 150 words
What special skills will you bring to the productions you assist on?
Maximum 150 words
How did you hear about this workshop series?
Previous fellow
Justice4Sister Instagram
Justice4Sister Twitter
Justice for My Sister Facebook
Other social media account
Other organization
Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs
Program Cost: The value of the 8-week certification series is $775, however this year we are providing partial scholarships to all participants, along with job placement for those who reside in Los Angeles. Total cost of the program with the partial scholarship is $300.
I understand that, if chosen to partake in the PA Certification Program, the services will be offered at a discounted rate, and I agree to pay my registration fee of $300 by June 19 at 11:59pm.
I understand that there are a limited number of payment plans available to those unable to pay the $300 all at once. I'm in a financial situation that currently limits my ability to pay the flat $300 fee and instead request to pay $170 by June 19 at 11:59pm and $170 by July 10 at 11:59pm. I understand that JFMS values self-accountability, and commit to doing my part to follow-through on my business agreement to the organization.
I am currently in a financial situation that prohibits me from paying anything to partake in this professional development and job placement program. I understand that there are extremely limited full scholarships this year, and only about 10% of participants will be able to be awarded a full scholarship. Without a full scholarship, I could not participate in this program. With a full scholarship, I commit myself to be punctual, participatory, and make full use of this life-changing opportunity.
Please share a website or links to work if you have them. (Optional)
Please share short professional bio of 150 words if available. (Optional)
Terms and conditions
To participate in the program you need to agree with our terms and conditions
I understand that Justice for My Sister is working with a panel of readers to review applications, and there is a chance I might not be selected, due to limited capacity.
I agree that all the information I have provided is transparent, representative and true. I have voluntarily submitted my own original material to Justice for My Sister for the sole purpose of review for acceptance to the PA Certification Program.
I agree to complete the post survey provided by JFMS staff upon completion of the program.
Any questions or concerns about the PA Certification Program?:
Please note, we will host an information session Tuesday, May 2nd at 6:00 PM (PDT). Learn about our program and about a local funder who you can apply to, to obtain a grant to get reimbursed on the tuition cost of this program. Please make note in the comments if you need a full scholarship, and/or if you'd like to obtain further information about the grant opportunity (for reimbursement after payment of the tuition, if awarded the grant). More information here: